Wednesday 3 April 2013

ONE LAST TIME - Raj Comics New Set March - 2013

Format: Printed
Issue No: PCB-0005
Language: English
Pages: 208
One phone call changes it all for him. Her phone call. After one full year. She is in the US, informing him about her marriage. She wants to meet him. He had moved on, at least that’s what he had made himself believe. Unsure of everything, he books a flight from New York to Carolina to give his past the final closure. The journey brings all the painful memories back to him. They have both come a long way since they first met as kids and then again as adults, before parting ways and . . . moving on. But flight 1549 is not destined to reach its destination. Unaware and oblivious, he is lost in his memories of her. Ambala. New Delhi. New York. Love. Career. Distance. Longing. Separation. Will he realize her importance in his life? Will she ever find out who she is actually meant for? What if he doesn't live up to the day to meet her one last time?
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